


曾先後為香港藝術館,香港視覺藝術中心,中環大館Touch Ceramics 任陶藝導師及在特殊學校義務陶藝顧問。



Born in Hong Kong.

Janet's works are inspired by observations of nature. After years of hard work and experimentation, she has developed her own unique textures and styles.

During her stay in Taiwan, Shanghai and Sydney, she had participated in ceramics firing activities and exhibitions.

She was the Ceramics/Pottery tutor for the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Visual Art Centre, Touch Ceramics at Tai Kwun, Central as well as Ceramics Consultant voluntary for a school of special education.

In 2009, Janet was sponsored by the Cultural Exchange Program of the Hong Kong Art Development Council as Artist in Residence at Shigaraki Ceramics Cultural Park, practicing wood firing for 3 months.

Her art pieces have been collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Shigaraki Ceramics Cultural Park, Japan, and numerous private collectors.

Visitors from Uni. of Arts London, Central St. Martins and HKU Space.

VASE with Shino glaze collected by Mr. William Lim in 2022.

2001年拜訪朱鉻大師 Paying a visit to Master Ju Ming.

2001年恆星系列入選香港視藝節于香港中央圖書館展出,2004年獲香港藝術館收藏 The Planet Series was selected by The Hong Kong Visual Art Festival for exhibition at The Hong Kong Central Library in 2001 and have been collected by The Hong Kong Arts Museum in 2004.

2008年高錕教授出席于香港中文大學的“曹京澳洲的陶與火柴燒個展” With Prof. Charles Kao at my "The beauty of Wood Firing Solo Exhibition" at The Chinese Chinese University of Hong Kong

澳洲悉尼柴燒 Wood firing in Sydney, Australia

2009年作品大甕在日本信樂陶藝之森出窟一刻 Unloading the big pot at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in 2009

我最鍾愛的個展邀請咭 My favorite solo exhibition invitation card

于日本信樂陶藝之森投柴 Stocking at the The Shigaraki Cultural Ceramic Park

2011年于香港中文大學專業進修學院主持“台灣,澳洲與日本陶藝的傳統與現况”講座 Hosting a seminar on " Traditions and latest development of ceramic art in Taiwan, Australia and Japan " at CUSCS of The Chinese University of Hon Kong

承蒙靳叔,又一山人和李慧嫻出席於2011年香港視覺藝術中心個展開幕 With Uncle Kan, Anothermountainman and Rosanna Lee at the opening of my 2011 solo exhibition at the Hong Kong Visual Art Center

2014年參與台灣在苖栗大型柴燒活動 Wood firing in Taiwan Mao Li in 2014

2018年在香港大館Touch Ceramics的“陶-花-緣”展 The " Ceramics + Flowers " Exhibition at Touch Ceramics of Tai Kung in 2018

2021年與高美慶教授同攝於一新美術館展出之“魚之樂”系列前 With Prof. Mayching Kao in front of the Joy of Fish series at the Sun Museum in 2021

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